Achieving Success with Step Ladders

Harshana Serasinghe
2 min readSep 1, 2020
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Most of us set brand-new life goals when the year is starting up. Those goals are filled up with massive dreams. When the months are passing, you get bored. The main reason to this is because you don’t see any progress with that massive dream you set up. In this article, I’m going to talk about how to achieve your goals without getting bored in the middle.

What is a Step Ladder?

A step ladder is a series of steps that can be used to achieve a goal. Step Ladder contains steps that are incrementally valuable. It will help you to do any task without getting bored.

Example: Assume that you want to get 55 Instagram followers by 10 days. Then you can setup steps to get followers each day. In the first day, you can get one follower. In second day, two followers and so on.

How to form steps for the Step Ladder?

In order to form steps, First you need a target. According to Dr.Sean Young, There are 3 types of targets.

  1. Short Term Goals — Targets which take to achieve 1 week to 1 month
  2. Long Term Goals — Targets which take 1 month to 3 months to achieve
  3. Dreams — Targets which take more than 3 months

Let’s say you have a short term goal to learn a new language. Now you need to divide that goal into much smaller steps. The following are few steps that you can use to start off:

Examples for forming steps when learning a language

In the first 3 steps, I have incremented the number of letters you learn every day. If you keep learning 5 letters a day, it will make you lazy to achieve the goal but incrementing it will make you keep going. After learning the letters, move on to words and then sentences and so on.

After completing each step, you are proud to say that you’ve completed the goal.

Important facts to consider when following this technique

  • Treat yourself after completing each step
  • Focus on the step you have to complete today

Further Reading



Harshana Serasinghe

In love with tech ever since I got to know what a computer is :)